Joel Ong will be a guest blogger here very soon. Keep an eye out for his posts; in the meantime, here's a little bit of information about what he's been up to these days:
Undertaking the Masters of Science (Biological Art) at SymbioticA in the University of Western Australia, Joel Ong is interested in the acoustic culture of medical and biological fields as well as the architectural design of the body and its components. With an artistic practice spanning the audiovisual domains in the wave of new media art, he is particularly optimistic about using human processes (conscious or unconscious) as raw material, even as interactive systems, for the development of emotive sound works that expose the mechanisms of the body in a way that synapse the heart and the mind. Joel has a background in the life sciences from the National University of Singapore and is currently an avid participant in discourses around acoustic ecology, interactive musical systems, biological data sonification and sound art. He is particularly interested in the amplification of microscopic cellular activity and cell vibration.
Welcome Joel!!!