Thursday, May 31, 2012

ASCI Call for "ScienceInspiresArt 2012: Vital Signs"

Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI)
announces International Open Call...

ScienceInspiresArt 2012: VITAL SIGNS

ASCI's annual, art-science, juried competition exhibition will be held at the New York Hall of Science from September 1, 2012 - February 3, 2013.

This year we are seeking original art inspired by our biological world with a special interest in what lies beneath its surface, and/or reflects upon scientific research questions, processes, ethics, and the stunning discoveries being made in biology and the biosciences today. [Read full Intro + Guidelines online]

Art Co-Juror:
Patricia Kernan, curator of the New York State Museum's illustration collection; and curator of the museum's international, biennial, "Focus on Nature" exhibits.

Science Co-Juror:
Dr. Dana Boyd, microbiologist and Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology at Harvard Medical School; long-time collaborator of Joe Davis, the "father" of bio-art.


Deadline: June 17, 2012
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